2019. szeptember 29., vasárnap

Cosey Fanni Tutti ‎– Tutti (Full Album) [Conspiracy International] 2019

: https://cargorecordsdirect.co.uk/prod...

"TUTTI is comprised of eight soundscapes: an audio self portrait comprising of manipulated sound recordings from Cosey’s life, music and art: “It’s the only album I’ve made that is an all encompassing statement expressing the totality of my being.""


A1. Tutti
A2. Drone
A3. Moe
A4. Sophic Ripple
B1. Split
B2. Heliy
B3. En
B4. Orenda

Artist(s): Cosey Fanni Tutti
Title: Tutti
Record Label: Conspiracy International
Catalog Number: CTITUTTILP2018
Date: 2019

2019. szeptember 27., péntek

MY DISCO Environment - 2019

MY DISCO Environment


00:00:00 An Intimate Conflict
00:04:22 Exercise In Sacrifice
00:06:47 Act
00:10:02 Equatorial Rainforests Of Sumatra
00:12:24 Rival Colour

00:17:13 Hong Kong 1987
00:21:16 No Permanence
00:25:30 Forever

2019. szeptember 24., kedd

Terry Riley - Descending Moonshine Dervishes (1982) [Full Album]

Genre: Electronic, Modern Classical, Minimal.

1. Part 1
2. Part 2

Art Direction – Manfred Manke
Composed By, Organ [Modified Yamaha YC 45D Organ], Text By [Back Cover Poem] – Terry Riley
Lacquer Cut By – H1*
Painting [Front Cover - "Ein Vorgang"] – Helmut Zimmerman
Photography By [Back Cover] – Roberto Masotti
Remastered By – Stephen Hill

2019. szeptember 20., péntek

MY DISCO Severe- 2015 full album


00:00:00 Recede
00:08:36 1991
00:11:12 Successive Pleasure
00:15:18 King Sound

00:20:00 Our Decade
00:27:25 Named
00:30:08 Severance
00:30:57 Careless

Hugo Ball on DaDa!

Extracts from Dada documentaries + (to my knowledge) the ORIGINAL 'Karawane' Sound Poetry performance of 1916 + a quick rendition of Dada in 2 minutes + an Kurt Schwitters: Ursonate, for good measure.
The original purpose of this video was for a university assignment, however it now lives on via YouTube and beyond.
Some sources for all you curious Dadaist out there in the ether:
* "Germany--Dada" : an alphabet of German Dadaism. [VHS] 1986. (55 min) with b&w sequences. Copyright: Kartes Video Communications, Inc.
"A motion picture collage of German Dadaism"--Container.
Primarily in English; some portions in German with English subtitles.
Deutschland Dada (original title) Director: Helmut Herbst
Originally produced as a motion picture by Cinegrafik, Hamburg; released by UEVA in 1968.
Available to buy via Amazon below... (also available on eBay)
* "The ABC's of DADA" via YouTube documentary sample.
* "Die Sonate In Urlauten" (Short version recited by Schwitters 1932) Excerpt.
I hope this answers any wondering questions. If not just ask.
Click the link above because,
U.B.U.W.E.B has the complete online version of German Dada available to watch right now!

Dada and Surrealism: Europe After the Rain documentary (1978)


This documentary examines the work of the leading exponents of Dada and Surrealism, from the First World War through the 1920s and 1930s.

Check out these books on Amazon!
"Dada: Zurich, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, New York, Paris":
"Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction":
"Dada, Surrealism, and the Cinematic Effect":

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International in scope and diverse in artistic output, both Dada and Surrealism were artistic, literary and intellectual movements of the early 20th century that were instrumental in defining Modernism. The Dada movement, launched in 1916 in Zurich by poets and artists such as Tristan Tzara and Hans Arp, was a direct reaction to the slaughter, propaganda and inanity of World War I.

After the war, many of the artists who had participated in the Dada movement began to practice in a Surrealist mode. Surrealism was officially inaugurated in 1924 when the writer André Breton published the Manifesto of Surrealism. Similar to Dada, Surrealism was characterized by a profound disillusionment with and condemnation of the Western emphasis on logic and reason.

Shri Camel - Terry Riley (1980) - Full album

1. Anthem of the Trinity - 0:00 (9'25")
2. Celestial Valley -
9:29 (11'34")
3. Across the Lake of the Ancient World -
21:03 (7'28")
4. Desert of Ice -
28:31 (15'13")

2019. szeptember 17., kedd

Dixi 2001-2003 Oláh Lehel dokumentumfilmje

"Nem félek tőled,
nem egyedül vagyok,
a Fekete-tenger is indigóra vált" (Dixi)

Film Gémes Jánosról (1943-2002), akit mindenki csak Dixinek ismert a Pesti underground világában. Rögtönzött szövegeivel hívta fel magára környezete figyelmét. Szerepelt Müller Péter Ex kódex és Xantus János Rock térítő című filmjében, alkalmilag fellépett Víg Mihály és Müller Péter zenekarával.
A filmben megszólal Wahorn András, Xantus János, ef. Zámbó István, Víg Mihály, Peter Ogi, Halász Judit, Bárdos Deák Ágnes, Gasner János, Müller Sziámi Péter, Dénes József, Kistamás László és mások.
Készült a Muhi András vezette Inforg Stúdióban.

"Mindenttudóan és sokatmondóan mosolygok, miközben a film pereg... lassan elmúlnak évmillióim... egy másik kezdődik, és én már bánom... jó volt az előző évmillió is, a következő is jó lesz...jó and tavasz." (Dixi)

Sarah Davachi ‎- All My Circles Run (2017) FULL ALBUM

Students Of Decay ‎– SOD-115 (US, 2017)

00:00 A1. For Strings
07:47 A2. For Voice
17:07 A3. Chanter
22:16 B4. For Organ
30:34 B5. For Piano

Composed and mixed by Sarah Davachi
Performed by Sarah Davachi (piano, organ), Camille Hesketh (voice), Jessica Holmes (cello), Jessica Moss (violin)

Sarah Davachi ‎- All My Circles Run (2017) FULL ALBUM

Students Of Decay ‎– SOD-115 (US, 2017)

00:00 A1. For Strings
07:47 A2. For Voice
17:07 A3. Chanter
22:16 B4. For Organ
30:34 B5. For Piano

Composed and mixed by Sarah Davachi
Performed by Sarah Davachi (piano, organ), Camille Hesketh (voice), Jessica Holmes (cello), Jessica Moss (violin)

2019. szeptember 16., hétfő

Futuro Antico ‎- Futuro Antico (1980) FULL ALBUM

elf Released (Italy, 1980)
Purchase reissue:

00:00 A1. Ao - Ao
11:03 A2. Schirak
18:43 B1. Uata Aka
29:11 B2. Futuro Antico

Recorded in Milan, Italy in April - May 1980
Performed By – Riccardo Sinigaglia, Walter Maioli

2019. szeptember 15., vasárnap

Laurie Spiegel ‎- Unseen Worlds (1991) FULL ALBUM

Scarlet Records ‎– IS 88802-2 (US, 1991)

Thesis: Exploration And Intuition - Nine Improvisations Recorded, Edited And Elaborated As Digital Audio
00:00 1. Three Sonic Spaces - I
01:36 2. Three Sonic Spaces - II
04:59 3. Three Sonic Spaces - III
10:52 4. Finding Voice
13:38 5. The Hollows
18:30 6. Two Archetypes - I Hall Of Mirrors
22:54 7. Two Archetypes - II Hurrican's Eye
26:29 8. Sound Zones
34:37 9. Riding The Storm

Antithesis: Reason And Preconception - Two Intellectual Interludes (Data And Process)
39:06 10. Strand Of Life (Viroid)
40:27 11. From A Harmonic Algorithm

Synthesis: Imagination And Form - None Of The Above
43:23 12. Passage

Computer Generated Music Composed, Coded and otherwise created by Laurie Spiegel. Composed between 1987-90.

2019. szeptember 14., szombat

SYPORCA WHANDAL Krónikus SELF-DETOX -2019 . sept .13 .

Sziporka és Barbara Friedman (FRA) performansza

Syporca Whandal (Budapest, 1977), vandálul és sziporkázva tört be néhány éve a budapesti avantgárd-underground művészeti szcénába. Szájberszpész kiállítások, body art és eat-depression performanszok, experimentális (zaj)zenei koncertek és dárk fanzinok.

Zenei projektek: Qad, Stigmatic Destruction, T A E A T E H. A SkhyzoKhyno Studio alapítója, a GLOBAL ART International Project, a Magyar Elektrográfiai Társaság tagja. Az Opál Színház performere (Beckett: A átszma ége c. darabjának legjobb, kata-tón Clovja.) 2019-ben az L1 Egyesület rezidense.

Ez a hatodik önálló kiállítása (2017/18 - Magyar Műhely Galéria, 2018 - Macska Galéria, 2019 - Bakelit Multi Art Center, 2019 - PH21 Galéria, mind Budapesten)

Fellépett sok hazai és külföldi kiállításon, zenei és performansz fesztiválon (a magyarokat hadd ne soroljam): Campina (RO), Galánta, Érsekújvár (SK), Marseille, Párizs (FRA), Genova, Róma (ITA), Vermont, Castleton (USA), Ghent (BE), Chigasaki (JPN)... (Kimaradt még: El Salvador, Pápua Új-Guinea, Új Zéland, a Kókusz szigetek, Omán, Akademgorod, bocs.)

Harry Partch ‎- The World Of Harry Partch (1969) FULL ALBUM

Columbia Masterworks ‎– MS 7207 (US, 1969)

00:00 A1. Daphne Of The Dunes
17:35 B1. Barstow - Eight Hitchhiker Inscriptions From A Highway Railing At Barstow, California
27:00 B2. Castor & Pollux - A Dance For The Twin Rhythms Of Gemini From Plectra & Percussion Dances

Supervisor, Composer, Viola, Voices - Harry Partch
Conductor, Performer - Danlee Mitchell
Producer - John McClure
Performed by - John McAllister, Michael Ranta, Linda Schell, Frank Berberich, Gary Coleman, Dean Drummond, Richard Lapore, Robert McCormick, Todd Miller, Emil Richards
Voices - John Stannard

2019. szeptember 10., kedd

Millenniumi Földalatti Vasútvonal - Szemétzene (1989)

Millenniumi Földalatti Vasútvonal – Szemétzene (1989)

Andrej Kiszeljov gitár,
Sárközi Zoltán gitár,
Sándor Péter „Teve” basszusgitár,
Kelényi Gábor billentyű,
Tóth József énekes,
Virth Bea ének,
Kreutz László dob,
Németh Róbert szaxofon.


Mire 20-ig számolok
Rejtjeleket nem látok
Isten szeme
Hal, álom, Tao
Kis ország
Jó a kedvem
Hab a tortán
Nincs neki háza
Nincs végtelen kegyelem
Nem a harc
Lenni halál

2019. szeptember 6., péntek

Ly Punk : versek

ingovány ostorán,
hold ketrecében hál,
mosolygos az évszak,
a dél az északnak ellenáll ,
poros minden zátony és szirt,
ide nem jár senki, mert ismerik,
nincs titka, sem csillagpora,
nem rejt esélyt a napok hálóiba,
van mindene, kiüresedése és üressége,
szavainak nincsenek betűi, és fokozata,
minden ide jár hálni, megpiheni,
otthona ismeretlen, a kézség az otthona,
mint titkos agyburok " , ezret pördül egy pillanatban
ez a fészek, amit az enyészet hiábavalóságát hírdeti
éltetve a tájat, élteti a kész egészet,
de mindez, dermesztő és hontalan 
pillanatnyi erek
automaták és peron
terek lélegzetei
ki az ki
nem voltál otthon
most alszik a birodalom
John Donne hazatért
ő nem volt kiátkozott
'S Óceánt leltél, partokat, ahonnan
csak sötétség, csak sötétség üvölt -
Isten körébe szálltál s vissza onnan.
De oly magasra nem visz a teher,
honnét e földi tájék, hogyha nézed,
csak tornyok száza, kúszó vízmeder,
s tompulva fáj az Utolsó Itélet.
És egyenletes az éghajlat ott. '
minden visszatér álmába
nincs origó vemhedtsége
nincs elvadult kertek határa
nincs az a késő éjszaka
nincs a partok szakasza
most alszik minden és a halovány
talán egyszer önmagához ér
talán egyszer önmagát átöleli
egyszer sem megitéltetik
a megjelölt sorok Joszif Brodszkij : Elégia John Donnért c. verséből van kiemelve

2019. szeptember 5., csütörtök

Swans - It’s Coming It’s Real (Official Audio) 2019 new - új !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swans new album, leaving meaning., will be released worldwide October 25th, 2019 on Young God Records/Mute. Formats include 2X LP, 2CD, as well as download and stream.

"It's Coming It's Real" features choral vocals by Anna and Maria von

Pre-order signed copies through Young God Records -
Everywhere else -

Swans will tour in 2020.

Swans - It’s Coming It’s Real (Official Audio) 2019 new - új !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Swans new album, leaving meaning., will be released worldwide October 25th, 2019 on Young God Records/Mute. Formats include 2X LP, 2CD, as well as download and stream.

"It's Coming It's Real" features choral vocals by Anna and Maria von

Pre-order signed copies through Young God Records -
Everywhere else -

Swans will tour in 2020.

2019. szeptember 4., szerda

Arturo Stalteri ‎- ...E Il Pavone Parlo' Alla Luna (1987) FULL ALBUM

ynx Records – Z 00565 (Italy, 1987)
Purchase reissue:

A1. Morceau
A2. Raga Occidentale
B1. Goa di Fronte all'Oceano
B2. Mulini
B3. ...e il pavone parlo alla Luna
B4. La Pescatrice di Perle
B5. Nel Palazzo dei Venti

Originally released in 1980 (and privately issued only in 1987) Arturo Stalteri’s …E Il Pavone Parlo’ Alla Luna falls among the last artifacts of Italy’s great wave of musical Minimalism. Like the movement to which it belongs, rigorously resistant to categorizations and definition, this overlooked marvel sculpts a startling singularity. A radical and democratic vision in sound, blending elements of New Age, the avant-garde, and Prog, with Western and Indian Classical musics.

Long overshadowed by it predecessor, the Prog. opus Andrè Sulla Luna, free from the burdens of context, …E Il Pavone Parlo’ Alla Luna rises as Stalteri’s true masterwork. While being deeply evocative and enthralling, it still preserves some of Pierrot Lunaire's fairytalesque mood, a complex and ambitious hybrid, built around organ and piano. Each passage struggling for creative autonomy - dislodging themselves from the whole. - as challenging as they are accessible, to all those willing to heed the call. Despite its repetitive rhythms and cycling tones, bound to American Minimalism, …E Il Pavone Parlo’ Alla Luna’s complex relationships and breadth of territory, locate it as a distinctly European work - a wondrous late breath, and seminal entry, in Italy’s remarkable canon of avant-garde and Minimalist music. A rippling oddity, not quite like anything else.

Arturo Stalteri ‎- ...E Il Pavone Parlo' Alla Luna (1987) FULL ALBUM

ynx Records – Z 00565 (Italy, 1987)
Purchase reissue:

A1. Morceau
A2. Raga Occidentale
B1. Goa di Fronte all'Oceano
B2. Mulini
B3. ...e il pavone parlo alla Luna
B4. La Pescatrice di Perle
B5. Nel Palazzo dei Venti

Originally released in 1980 (and privately issued only in 1987) Arturo Stalteri’s …E Il Pavone Parlo’ Alla Luna falls among the last artifacts of Italy’s great wave of musical Minimalism. Like the movement to which it belongs, rigorously resistant to categorizations and definition, this overlooked marvel sculpts a startling singularity. A radical and democratic vision in sound, blending elements of New Age, the avant-garde, and Prog, with Western and Indian Classical musics.

Long overshadowed by it predecessor, the Prog. opus Andrè Sulla Luna, free from the burdens of context, …E Il Pavone Parlo’ Alla Luna rises as Stalteri’s true masterwork. While being deeply evocative and enthralling, it still preserves some of Pierrot Lunaire's fairytalesque mood, a complex and ambitious hybrid, built around organ and piano. Each passage struggling for creative autonomy - dislodging themselves from the whole. - as challenging as they are accessible, to all those willing to heed the call. Despite its repetitive rhythms and cycling tones, bound to American Minimalism, …E Il Pavone Parlo’ Alla Luna’s complex relationships and breadth of territory, locate it as a distinctly European work - a wondrous late breath, and seminal entry, in Italy’s remarkable canon of avant-garde and Minimalist music. A rippling oddity, not quite like anything else.

2019. szeptember 3., kedd

ELŐ ZAJKERT / szeptember 6 : FKK - Budapest

Bp. Kossuth Lajos .u. 20 .
-----------------------------> ELŐ ZAJKERT <-----------------------
19 .30 : SYPORCA WHANDAL ( Taeateh ) - APRASHyA : : Hun
20.30 : ELFENFETT / De
21.20 : ARKAS :Hun
22.00 : SAJJRA / Pe
22.40 : FAST TOFU / PULPO & LOMBIK 1 /2 :Hun
......................................................... Freedoor ----
az esemény :

2019. szeptember 1., vasárnap

Monty Cantsin - Ahora Neoismus (Full Album) 1999

n o r k
no rock and roll NO EOX

Monty Cantsin (Istvan Kantor)
Ahora Neoismus
1998 Maldoror Records

01. I am Monty Cantsin
02. I Believe in Neoism
03. Every 6 Minutes
04. My Blood Keeps Flowing
05. In the Swamp of Neoism
06. Mass Media
07. Love and Joy
08. Headquarters
09. Long Live Neoism
10. Gloria Victoribus