2020. november 29., vasárnap

Klangzeit Festival 2020 - DAY 3

KLECTIK [off-site] and Klanghaus Sound Art Centre present, Klangzeit Festival 2020 4 days of experimental improvised music and sound art Day 3 (Saturday 28/11) – 7.30pm (GMT) | 8.30pm (CET) Viv Corringham Y/Liquid Tracy Lisk + Mia Zabelka + Els Van Riel Yoni Silver Rahel Kraft Phil Niblock + Katherine Liberovskaya + Barbara Held +++++++++++++++++++++++ Klanghaus Untergreith and IKLECTIK have joined forces to present a multidisciplinary and miscellaneous series of concerts with the participation of international renown musicians and composers. 26 – 29 November 2020 | Free IKLECTIK Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnu5... IKLECTIK Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/IKLECTIK IKLECTIK Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/iklectik Artists: Me, Claudius (UK) Viv Corringham (UK/USA) Rhodri Davies (UK) Matthias Forenbacher (AT) Paul Jonas Kinnunen (FI) Y/Liquid (AT) – Peta Kotzberg + Carmen Rosenkranz Phil Niblock (US) Katherine Liberovskaya (US) Barbara Held (US) Rahel Kraft (AT/ CH) Samo Kutin (SI) Tracy Lisk (USA) Zahra Mani (UK/AT) MUG Trio (SI) Arun Natarajan (IN) OWL OWL (NO) Elise Passavant (USA) Els avn Riel (BE) Yoni Silver (UK) Mia Zabelka (AT) Wolfgang Temmel (AT) Veronika Gmeindl (AT) Richard Graf (AT) Sebastian Leopold (AT) STATION ROSE (AT) Lukas MoritzWegscheider (AT) Programme of the next day: Day 4 (Sunday 29/11) – 7.30pm (GMT) | 8.30pm (CET) MUG Trio OWL OWL Mia Zabelka + Arun Natarajan + Paul Jonas Kinnunen Samo Kutin

2020. november 28., szombat

Trio Heinz Herbert | EFG London Jazz Festival 2020

The New Switzerland show has been one of the most successful streams throughout the Festival so far, with views on Facebook and YouTube still rising: https://youtu.be/BSsaWwL8Ic0 Trio Heinz Herbert trio's captivating aesthetic is thanks to a symbiotic intensity of expression. Dominic Landolt e-git, fx Ramon Landolt, synth, piano, live-sampling Mario Hänni, drums, fx Samuel Weniger: Video This event is kindly supported by Pro Helvetia Donate to the Serious Trust to support great new work with artists, for audiences and communities. You can do this by visiting https://efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk/... or text 'GIVE2JAZZ £5', 'GIVE2JAZZ £10', or 'GIVE2JAZZ £20', to 70085 Serious Trust is a registered charity 1145535 We'd love your feedback! Share your thoughts with us here https://uk.culturecounts.cc/s/2a28k9 and be in with a chance to win best-in-house tickets to Jazz Voice 2021 🎉 This year the EFG London Jazz Festival is a digital event that runs from Friday 13 to Sunday 22 November 2020. See the full lineup at http://www.efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk #WEAREJAZZ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1MdoJsz Facebook: http://bit.ly/fbEFGLJF Twitter: @londonjazzfest Instagram: @londonjazzfest http://www.efglondonjazzfestival.org.uk

2020. november 26., csütörtök

Prurient. 4K Live. STEREO. Moscow. "Pluton". 23/03/19.

„1987-ben, amikor az első Wall Street-i összeomlás megtörtént, még csak a közgazdászok figyeltek fel erre a veszélyes információgyorsításra. Ez volt az az esemény, amely megerősítette azt a tényt, hogy egy hatalmas részecskegyorsítóról, egy az algoritmusok kibernetikáján keresztül működő információgyorsítóról van itt szó. Mindez, húsz évvel később, egy rendszeren belüli összeomláshoz vezetett. Jó ideje beszélek erről az integrális balesetről, és nem véletlenül használom az integrális szót, mivel ez utal az integrálszámításra. Mindezek előtt a baleset mint olyan, helyi volt, míg ma már nemcsak globális, hanem integrális, ami azt jelenti, hogy — egy láncreakcióhoz hasonlóan — más elemeket is bevon, integrál a történések folyamatába. Ez pedig egy semmi máshoz nem hasonlítható logikát hoz a felszínre (...), amely a várost és az együttélést érinti”.

Az események emberi ésszel aligha követhető felgyorsulása Virilio szerint a kollektív bizalmat is aláássa, állandósul a félelem a bármikor bekövetkező balesetektől. Menekülésként „folyamatosan kapaszkodunk a technikai tudományokba”. 

„Elég volt a fejlődésből. Ebből a mindig jobbat és mindig gyorsabban akarásból (...) Ez a sebesség által semmivé zsugorodott világ a végéhez ér. Először a közlekedés sebességváltásaival, majd a szuperszonikus és hiperszonikus sebességgel, és legvégül a pillanatnyisággal. Ez a tér-idő balesete, magáé a folytonosságé (...) Az biztos, hogy nagyon nehéz lesz ezt a katasztrófát túlélni, de ez mindig nehéz. Ami biztos, hogy a gépesített idő nem tudja helyettesíteni az emberit anélkül, hogy a történelem ne szenvedne integrális balesetet”.

Kalpa - A Grand Misconception [2019 Sludgy Post-Hardcore]

2020. november 25., szerda


Please support the project buying an e-ticket (#nameyourprice). ** https://buytickets.at/iklectik/439711 ** IKLECTIK [off-site] and Zapt present, NUMBERS MATTER 121 チハルMK 、 おたこ、 川畑優、 AGF、 日野繭子、 大西蘭子 Thursday 22 October | 9pm (UK time) On IKLECTIK YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/HXFmH46kVEQ On IKLECTIK Facebook page Why numbers matter: Japan, a country with a population of over 124.2 million, is ranked at 121 in the Gender Inequality Index (GII) published by Human Development Reports 2020.  Japanese women got the vote in 1946 – earlier than China (1949), Liechtenstein (1984) and Switzerland (1993). In the ranking chart of the Global Gender Gap 2020, the top ten reads as follows: 1: Iceland; 2: Norway; 3: Finland; 4: Sweden; 5: Nicaragua; 6: New Zealand; 7: Ireland; 8: Spain; 9: Rwanda; 10: Germany. The UK ranked 21, following Albania at number 20. Though Japan falls some 100 places behind the UK, the latter’s ranking at 21 is nothing to be proud of either. Clearly there is plenty of work to be done in both countries. Hence, NUMBERS MATTER 121 features four special projects led by Japanese women: Chiharu MK, Otaco, Yu Kawabata (in collaboration with German poemproducer AGF) and Mayuko Hino. Footnote: In the Press Freedom Index published in 2020, Japan and the UK don’t fare much better than in the GII. Out of 180 countries listed, the UK is ranked at 33 and Japan at 66. The countries listed from one to ten are as follows: Norway, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Switzerland, New Zealand, Portugal and Germany. Programme: “Paramnesia 2020” by CHIHARU MK “Tomodachi” by OTACO “Hamaderea Park ” by YU KAWABATA (sound) + AGF (visuals) “Toyosu 2020″ by MAYUKO HINO

Kate Carr 'Pedalling' - INLAND Residency 2020

2020. november 23., hétfő

The Residents - Ozark

Artist: The Residents Album: Ozark (Released: July 10, 2011) Tracklist: 1. The Ozan 2-Step (0:00) 2. Circe (3:24) 3. The Valley Brothers (8:09) 4. Old Hound (10:36) 5. Six Things To A Sickle (13:01) 6. Memories For Sale (14:41) 7. Hills Bros. (18:25) 8. My Brother's Skin (21:00) 9. Nobody Is Listening (24:53) 10. Arkansas (26:38) 11. Sad Saint John (29:23) 12. Relief From Notchi (32:30) 13. Hope (34:47) 14. Golden Guy (36:15) 15. I'm Not Crazy (37:58) 16. More Rain (41:02) 17. Tastes Like Chicken (42:24) 18. The Black Behind (45:02) 19. Notchi (48:48) 20. The Bunny Boy (51:06) 21. The Butcher Shop (54:39) 22. Third Second Night (58:01) 23. Two Clown Paintings (59:22) 24. Rendered Fat (1:01:15) 25. Save The World (1:04:33)

Dave Phillips live at Abc No Rio on August 14, 2010

Dave Phillips playing live in New York City at Abc No Rio on August 14, 2010. http://www.abcnorio.org/ http://www.davephillips.ch

2020. november 22., vasárnap

Big Black - Atomizer (Full Album)

A1 Jordan, Minnesota 3:23 A2 Passing Complexion 3:08 A3 Big Money 2:32 A4 Kerosene 6:08 A5 Bad Houses 1:12 B1 Fists Of Love 4:24 B2 Stinking Drunk 3:30 B3 Bazooka Joe 4:46 B4 Strange Things 3:55 B5 Cables (Live) 3:13 Released: 1986 Label: Homestead Records Performer: Steve Albini, Santiago Durango, Dave Riley

2020. november 21., szombat

Walter Benjamin: A kapitalizmus mint vallás


Eduard Artemyev - Meditation 1 Hour Stalker Soundtrack

It is so quiet out here, it is the quietest place in the world. Тихо как. Это самое тихое место в мире.

2020. november 20., péntek

Raduly Mihaly - Napkelte alkonyatkor

1 Napkelte alkonyatkor 10:48 2 "Az árnyékok kinyúlanak" 7:36 3 "Kis nyúrga füst virágzik Hold előtt" 5:27 4 "A pillanatok zörögve elvonulnak" 7:46 5 Szerelem, szerelem? 7:03 6 Szomorú vasárnap 11:58 7 Eljön a Mennyek Országa (J. S. Bach, BWV 659) 4:58 Ráduly Mihály - szoprán- és tenor szaxofon, fuvola, zongora; Babos Gyula - gitár; Kathy Horváth Lajos - hegedű; Jávori Vilmos - dob; Kőszegi Imre -dob; Orszáczky Miklós - basszusgitár; Szakcsi Lakatos Béla - zongora, Fender zongora; Vajda Sándor - bőgő.

2020. november 19., csütörtök

SUMMER OF SEVENTEEN (M. Khot, D. Menche, F. Coloccia, A. Turner, W. F. C...

https://karlrecords.bandcamp.com/albu... SUMMER OF SEVENTEEN are MONIKA KHOT (NORDRA, ZEN MOTHER), WILLIAM FOWLER COLLINS, DANIEL MENCHE, FAITH COLOCCIA (MAMIFFER), and AARON TURNER. (SUMAC, SPLIT CRANIUM). Wildfires plagued Washington state during the summer of 2017, their smoke drifting westward toward the Seattle area and toxifying the air. Shortly before that trauma, MONIKA KHOT, WILLIAM FOWLER COLLINS, DANIEL MENCHE, FAITH COLOCCIA, and AARON TURNER had gathered at the latter two musicians' House Of Low Culture studio on idyllic Vashon Island with revered producer RANDALL DUNN. There they cut eight songs that capture the makeshift band's feelings of what COLOCCIA calls “a kind of doomsday lurking in the background.” It's as if these highly attuned players had a premonition. „Summer Of Seventeen“ - which was edited and arranged by MONIKA KHOT, who records apocalyptic music solo as NORDRA and plays in the avant-rock band ZEN MOTHER—is a nuanced admixture of these musicians' sounds and a culmination of all of their previous collaborations. COLOCCIA and TURNER have created eldritch folk and chamber rock for over a decade in MAMIFFER while engaging in various solo and group projects that explore their profound spirituality in sound. MENCHE has been a fixture on the abstract composition scene for 31 years and COLLINS is a savvy explorer of drone and ambient forms. Their ephemeral summit meeting has yielded a masterwork for the ages. A heaven/hell and beauty/beastliness dichotomy pervades the album—as if a titanic struggle was transpiring in that small studio. The fearsome trumpet fanfare that starts “Chorus Of The Innocents” heralds a baleful fate. With a subliminal industrial rhythm bristling beneath the eerie exhalations, the song submerges us in a slow-motion maelstrom, a horror-film facsimile of MILES DAVIS' “Bitches Brew“. “Perceived Slight” threads death-metal screams through a stark, suspenseful atmosphere, with austere glints of guitar and beats like fists on a casket lid intensifying the dread. Angelic chants and celestial drones perfume the air in several of the songs on “Summer Of Seventeen“, countered with muted blast beats, serrated hums, jagged glitches, simulacra of grinding gears and lightning. It's as if no good deed goes unpunished. “Spirits Of Redeemer” could be an elegy for the human race while “Cultural Orphan” sounds like a symphony for a malfunctioning factory. The album ends with “Theatre Needs An Audience,” a harrowing ballad somewhere between EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN and MERZBOW; it's a savage rent in the space-time continuum. “Thinking about this record now,” COLOCCIA recalls, “it seems like we were all sort of anticipating something like this current pandemic happening, although we were thinking about it as fire in the hands of man (literal fire, and also gunfire) that would overturn the normal running of things and reveal the current false beliefs systems holding up most of America.” That grave aura infiltrates “Summer Of Seventeen“, However, a hopefulness bubbles beneath the foreboding architecture of sound and noise summoned here. The bunker is the new penthouse. -Dave Segal, April 2020 credits released October 23, 2020

2020. november 18., szerda

Rie Nakajima & Pierre Berthet: Dead Plants & Living Objects | Ikon Gallery

Rie Nakajima and Pierre Berthet perform live at Ikon Gallery on 3 June as part of a series of collaborative performances to compliment Nakajima’s Ikon exhibition Cyclic, open 21 March — 3 June 2018. Pierre Berthet’s performance with Rie Nakajima is supported by Wallonie-Bruxelles International. Pierre Berthet and Rie Nakajima create various ways to vibrate things so that their acoustic shadows dance around: invisible air volumes that reshape constantly, move in the space, enter in the most secret places and inside ourselves. Rie Nakajima is one of the most experimental artists working in the UK. Fusing sculpture and sound, her artistic practice is open to chance and the influence of others, raising important questions about the definition of art. Nakajima makes pieces often in direct response to architectural space, using a combination of kinetic devices, musical instruments and found objects. Ikon’s exhibition consists entirely of new work and includes a number of performances in collaboration with other artists. Born in Yokohama, Japan, in 1976, Nakajima lives and works in London, and is very active especially in the area of sound art, often featuring in the programme for Cafe OTO, Dalston. Her performative collaborations take the form of experiments with small objects spread out on the floor, whereby she accumulates or subtracts sound by setting the objects in motion, picking them up and moving them around. The artist made a number of visits to Birmingham in preparation for her exhibition – short residencies at Ikon saw her gather found objects from the surrounding Brindleyplace estate whilst familiarising herself with the gallery architecture. She combined the objects, largely made from concrete and metal, to make new kinetic assemblages; vehicles for a sonic adventure with an unknown destination. The exhibition is accompanied by a limited edition box, curated by Rie Nakajima. The edition includes contributions of writing, drawing and photography from participating artists: Pierre Berthet, Max Eastley, Akira Sakata, David Toop and Keiko Yamamoto. The exhibition is supported by the Japan Foundation and The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation. Website: https://ikon-gallery.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ikongallery/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ikongallery?lang=en Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ikongallery...

2020. november 17., kedd

The Body Lovers - Number One Of Three [FULL ALBUM]

Experimental music project by Michael Gira, frontman of an experimental rock band Swans. Released in 1998. Accordion – Birgit Staudt Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Voice, Harmonica, Keyboards [Casio], Sampler [Akai S900], Sounds, Effects [Mangling] – M.Gira Artwork – Nicole Boitos Bass, Melodica, Performer [Ebo] – Bill Bronson Design [Concept] – M.Gira Electric Guitar – James Plotkin, Norman Westberg Flugelhorn – Kurt Ralske Flute – David Garland Guitar – Christoph Hahn Harp [Celtic] – Thomas Dodd Layout [Packaging] – Ben Kirkendoll Mastered By, Engineer – Chris Griffin Mixed By [New Mix And Randomizing], Engineer – Jason La Farge Organ [Farfisa] – Larry Mullins Percussion, Drums, Bells, Dulcimer – Phil Puleo Piano [Brut] – Bill Rieflin Producer, Arranged By, Composed By – M.Gira Recorded By, Engineer [BC Studios], Keyboards, Programmed By – Martin Bisi Recorded By, Engineer [Ethel Sound] – Clinton Steele, Mike Moore Remastered By – Doug Henderson Sounds [Additional Textures] – Helge Sten, Mika Vainio, Tore H. Boe Viola, Violin – Kris Force Vocals [Background, Weeping], Sounds [Trapped Insect Recording] – Jarboe Please send me a message if you are the owner of this album and would like this video removed. http://younggodrecords.com/products/t... Buy it here.

Kevin Drumm : experimental music


2020. november 16., hétfő

Márta Ladjánszki in cooperation with the performers: UMARMUNG

Márta Ladjánszki in cooperation with the performers: UMARMUNG Concept/choreographer/director: Márta Ladjánszki Sound designer/performer: Zsolt Varga Active partners in the creative process/performers: László Árva, Attila Dániel, László Gálos, Tímea Györke, Emese Kovács, Márta Ladjánszki, Eszter Mórocz, Zsófia Szász Contributors: our audience members Special thanks: Balázs Erdős, Zsolt Koroknai, István Kovács, Balázs Lajti, Kinga Szemessy, Syporca Whandal Supported by L1 Association, EMMI, NKA, Bakelit MAC, Be SpectACTive!, Creative Europe Programme, NaVKE www.martaatwork.com Spring 2021 UMARMUNG will be hosted by Bakelit Multi Art Center in the frame of Be SpectACTive!, beautifully fitting this project, which is aimed at involving the citizens and spectators in creative and organizational processes and intending to create creative processes of experimentation in the idea of a more inclusive and trans-cultural society and a stronger relationship between citizens and artists. UMARMUNG centers starting already from its creative process around the above mentioned. It places itself in a space where the boundaries between performers and audience gradually vanish until the audience turns into performers and vice versa. UMARMUNG is a matured stage of a continuous research, building upon three topics: The measures taken due the recent pandemic cause human touch to disappear, to gain more value, to transform (recognition, rethinking of emotional and sensory situations, forming of new questions); By researching the sculptures of François-Auguste-René Rodin we are focusing on their way of capturing the passive and/or active state of the bodies they portray Embracing our relations to our bodies as humans, artists etc. (if at all there is a way to separate all forms of our material existence) “A cast is not as natural as my sculpture; I am able to preserve a pose in my mind much better than the model, plus I am adding inner life to it.” (A. Rodin)

Alesia Cosmos - Exclusivo!

sia Cosmos Album: Exclusivo! (1983) Tracklist: 1. Dépassement (0:00) 2. Pat'lin D'merde (2:54) 3. Gaspacho (6:16) 4. So Far (10:50) 5. Bro Ho Tado (14:00) 6. Le Vol Du Bourbon (16:41) 7. First Funk (22:06) 8. Sans Les Griffes, Avec Les Dents (27:19) 9. H-Co (30:24) 10. Ojja (35:58) 11. Clap (38:05) 12. Tubulaire (39:15)

2020. november 15., vasárnap

Swans - The Burning World 1989 (full album)

0:00 "The River that Runs with Love Won't Run Dry" 4:15 "Let it Come Down" 8:43 "Can't Find My Way Home" (Blind Faith cover) 13:31 "Mona Lisa, Mother Earth" 17:46 "(She's A) Universal Emptiness" 21:49 "Saved" 26:00 "I Remember Who You Are" 30:24 "Jane Mary, Cry One Tear" 34:16 "See No More" 39:46 "God Damn the Sun"

2020. november 7., szombat

The Residents - Postcards From Patmos Full Album

1 The Winged Serpent Repents To The Father 00 :00 2 Soulless Flies Visit The Graves Of Ancestors 7:09 3 Cold Metal Strikes A Soldier´s Bible 15:17 4 Stained Hands Pass The Silverware 24:27 5 I Wish The Remote Could Control Me 30:10 6 Fabrics Drape The Unseen God 36:21 7 There Is Power In The Chord 40:18 8 Silk From Spiders 9 Green Feathers And The Blood Of Circumcision 10 Knees Bent, Toes Painted Orange